Monday, October 20, 2008

Mos Interrupted

I attended a concert this weekend in Golden Gate Park, The Band Shell Music Summit. The concert and festival was intended to promote "sustainable living, while showcasing national talent to the public." There were a lot of acts there, but mostly I was there to see the headliner Mos Def.

Unfortunately, we were only able to listen to 20 minutes of his set before the park police came and shut down the show. Apparently, there can be no music in the park after 6 pm. You can, however, smoke whatever you want with impunity. WTF?

In spite of being cut off, it was still a pretty good set. Mos did mostly new material. Also, as the park police were shutting him down (literally cutting off his mic), Mos led the crowd in an a capella version of "Umi Says." That part was great.

Mos Def - Umi Says

Also, of note, girls love Mos Def. Many of the girls at this concert were swooning when Mos was smiling. Actual swooning occurred.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

we get it, puneet. mos def makes you swoon...