Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hangin' Tough

So New Kids on the Block (a.k.a. NKOTB) has a new song.

New Kids on the Block - Summertime (This link is great. You get to see a lot of the older New Kids videos, as well, including my personal favorite, "Please Don't Go Girl.")

Somehow, I don't think the term New Kids on the Block is appropriate for this group anymore. Take a look at some newer pictures of these guys.

Believe it or not (you're more likely to believe it), New Kids was the first concert I attended. I fell asleep, but man that was a great concert. Also in attendance at that concert: my mom, my dad, my sister, and my awesome denim jacket. Just in case you're wondering, my sister had a matching jacket.

In related news, read this article from New York Magazine and the accompanying chart about the potential "Song of the Summer."

Insert clever sign off here.

1 comment:

PZ said...

dude, we wanna see pictures from the concert... we know your parents took some!